As it happened, the long time we lived very far away and we passed this place often, but never walked in. Probably because the restaurant from the outside it looks bad, trashy red plastic awning over the entrance of the stamp is missing only the Coca-Cola, no and the very word suggests a limited choice of pizza dan. The good news is that, with the only drawbacks of this place, but I can see how effective deterrent. We were only once with the suggestion of friends, but the impressions were the best. Elegant decor, pastels on the walls, maybe a bit too quiet, but it was middle of the week, in a more lively evening filled rooms are probably the hubbub. Most impressive menu - I do not think I was still in the restaurant, which choice would be so wide as to make difficult decisions in front of him of a few dishes, and pizza is only a half page. After a rather dismal experiences in Poznan pizzerias (eg Tivoli, Pizza Hut, Sultan - yes, I know that places a bit of a different caliber), we decided August on something else. Goulash soup very good, maybe a little too thick for my taste, but de gustibus, maybe a bit different than the typical Hungarian, but on a good day I was pleasantly surprised. Board of Italian antipasti and panini with garlic butter was in the same time as the very large appetite that day. Monia praised risotto with artichokes, an acquaintance of any pasta dish, but I do not remember exactly what. The other friends ordered a pizza and at the sight of actually regret that I did not like. Next time for sure to try the pizza, because with so fragrant and appetizing that looks at a Polish restaurant has not yet met. The wine at decent prices, the atmosphere SLOW, generally recommend. Certainly go there again chose the occasion of the visit in the near Poznan.
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